Autism Test – Am I Autistic? (Self-Assessment)

This autism self-assessment screening test developed for adults is a tool that is designed to help individuals find out whether or not they may have symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. This test consists of 20 questions and is a set questionnaire or checklist about your behavior and life experiences, such as difficulties with social interaction and communication, repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities.

We believe that self-assessment screening tests may be helpful for making up your mind for the first step toward the proper diagnosis of autism or any other mental health conditions.

This self-assessment for autism should not be used or is not appropriate for the diagnosis of adult autism. Mental health experts are trained in making a true and proper diagnosis of autism disorder.

Who Is This Autism Quiz For?

This quiz is only for adults and we have developed a separate self-assessment for children but it is right now in the approval stage and we will soon make it available online. The adult autism quiz is for individuals who suspect they may be exhibiting symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. This test helps adults recognize possible indicators of autism and determine if a professional evaluation is necessary.

It is a fact that not everyone with autism receives a diagnosis. Some individuals may go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to a lack of awareness, limited access to resources or services, or difficulty in identifying symptoms in childhood.

Self-assessment tests may prove to be a game changer so that more and more people can receive accurate diagnoses and access the support they need.

How Accurate Is Autism Quiz?

The accuracy of the autism self-assessment test can vary depending on the individual using it and how honestly he/she responded to the questions. This autism self-assessment test has shown a high level of accuracy in detecting autism symptoms but can not be compared to professional evaluations.

Remember that self-assessment tests do not diagnose autism and should not replace professional evaluations. Use the results of these tests as a guide to seek comprehensive evaluations, not as definitive diagnoses.

There are other methods used to diagnose autism in adults, including clinical interviews, psychological assessments, medical tests, and developmental evaluations.

Below are the questions related to your behaviors and experiences take your time to read and respond honestly.

1. Trouble understanding or talking about feelings.

Question 1 of 13

2. I frequently find that I can't keep a conversation going.

Question 2 of 13

3. When I talk on the phone, I'm not sure when it's my turn to speak.

Question 3 of 13

4. It takes some time to understand the point of a joke.

Question 4 of 13

5. Unknown phone calls make me anxious.

Question 5 of 13

6. New situations make me anxious.

Question 6 of 13

7. I do not want to meeting new people.

Question 7 of 13

8. In written exam, I forget spellings of simple words.

Question 8 of 13

9. I can't make or avoids eye contact.

Question 9 of 13

10. I like doing stuff on my own.

Question 10 of 13

11. If I try to imagine something, I can't create a picture in my mind.

Question 11 of 13

12. It is very difficult for me to work in groups.

Question 12 of 13

13. I can't tolerate loud noises.

Question 13 of 13


Take Other Tests Related To Autism or Asperger’s Test.

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You can also check your anger level with our anger test here.

Adult Autism — Frequently Asked Questions

What is Adult Autism?

Autism in adulthood is a significant neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interactions, communication, emotions, and behavior, causing difficulties throughout one’s life that can impact daily living.

Adults with autism may have difficulty interpreting social cues and understanding nonverbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions. Adults with autism may struggle to understand sarcasm, humor and other forms of social communication.

Adults with autism may also struggle with adapting to change and feel overwhelmed in new or unfamiliar situations. They may also struggle with executive functions like time management, organization, and decision-making.

Point: Every person with autism is unique and experiences the condition in their own way.

What are the signs of being autistic in adults?

  1. Adults with autism may have trouble interpreting nonverbal cues and social gestures, making small talk, and maintaining eye contact.
  2. Adults with autism feel compelled to follow repetitive movements or routines and become distressed if these routines are disrupted.
  3. Adults with autism experience heightened or reduced sensitivities to stimuli such as sound, touch, or light and struggle with adapting to changes in their routines or environment.
  4. Adults with autism struggle with skills such as time management, organization, and decision-making.
  5. Adults with autism have intense, narrow interests in specific topics and difficulty shifting focus.

How to know if i am Autistic?

If you are concerned about whether you might have symptoms of autism then we have prepared some questions below that you can ask yourself. If you agree with most of these questions then it might be a good idea to consult a mental health professional for a proper diagnosis.

  • Do you have trouble with social interactions and effective communication?
  • Do repetitive behaviors or routines consume your life?
  • Do heightened or reduced sensitivities to stimuli like sound, touch, or light affect you?
  • Do new or unfamiliar situations overwhelm you?
  • Do time management, organization, and decision-making pose challenges for you?
  • Do you have intense and narrow interests in specific topics and find it hard to shift focus?
  • Do you have difficulty understanding nonverbal cues and social gestures?
  • Do small talk and maintaining eye contact with others cause difficulty for you?

Please remember that these questions do not confirm you have autism but if your symptoms are interfering with your day-to-day activities then getting a proper diagnosis is recommended.

Early childhood, usually before age 3, typically sees the manifestation of autism. The symptoms and severity of autism vary widely, but common signs, such as difficulty with social interactions, delayed language development, and repetitive behaviors, mark its presence. Some children with autism may also have intellectual disabilities, while others exhibit above-average intelligence. Note that the age of first identifying autism varies, and some individuals may not receive a diagnosis until later in childhood or adulthood.

What are the different types of autism in adults?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental health (DSM-5) does not classify subtypes of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for adults. It does not differentiate between different subtypes of autism based on age in its current diagnostic criteria. Nevertheless, the diagnostic criteria acknowledge that the symptoms and severity of autism can vary from person to person and change over time.

Note that some individuals may have received a subtype diagnosis of autism, such as Asperger Syndrome, during childhood, but current diagnostic criteria no longer recognize these subtypes. The preferred term is now Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The diagnostic criteria concentrate on an individual’s current symptoms and functioning, not past diagnoses or subtypes.

What are the diagnostic criteria for autism in adults?

— Deficits in social communication and social interaction, such as difficulty with nonverbal communication and social reciprocity, and lack of interest in forming social relationships

— Repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, such as rigid adherence to routines, repetitive body movements, or intense interest in specific objects or topics

— Symptoms must be present in the individual’s developmental period and persist into adulthood

— Symptoms must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

References Diagnostic Criteria Autism Accessed on 1/29/2023 DSM-5 AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER  Accessed on 1/29/2023

WebMD Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders Accessed on 1/28/2023