Dependent Personality Disorder Test

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is a mental health disorder characterized by a frequent need to be taken care of and people with this disorder are have fear of being alone or independent.

A dependent personality disorder test is a self-assessment tool used to assess whether an individual may have symptoms of dependent personality disorder.

This self-report questionnaire is an online tool that tries to measure the criteria for dependent personality disorder as outlined in the Diagn and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

This self-report questionnaire is not a substitute for a proper diagnosis from a qualified mental health professional.

In order to make a final and proper diagnosis, a mental health professional can take into account the results of any self-assessment tests, as well as a thorough history and examination.

1. Please describe why you need to take this test.

Question 1 of 11

2. Do you struggle to make everyday decisions and need help from others often?

Question 2 of 11

3. Your parents are going to travel leaving you alone at home, can you take care of yourself?

Question 3 of 11

4. How would you describe your self confidence?

Question 4 of 11

5. Two people are discussing something important and you think you have better knowledge on the topic, what would you do?

Question 5 of 11

6. Would you prefer to give your project to another person because you think you cannot complete it correctly or on time?

Question 6 of 11

7. Are you afraid of asking for help from others?

Question 7 of 11

8. Do you feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone? Is it because you fear you are not able to take care of yourself?

Question 8 of 11

9. Do you feel you should seek another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends?

Question 9 of 11

10. Are you unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left alone to take care of yourself?

Question 10 of 11

11. Do you sometimes dream that your loved ones have left you all alone?

Question 11 of 11


A dependent personality disorder test can be a useful tool and It might be the initial step in properly diagnosing this condition. These tests help mental health professionals in the diagnosis, but it is not the only factor considered for a diagnosis of a dependent personality.

Mental health professionals use a variety of methods to diagnose DPD, including:

Clinical Interviews: The mental health professional such as a psychiatrist may ask a person about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They will also ask about medical and family history.

Self-report questionnaires: The mental health professional may also carry some self-report tests which are based on the criteria outlined in the DSM-5 for diagnosis of dependent personality disorder.

Behavioral observation: A mental health professional may observe a person’s behavior in different settings, such as in therapy sessions or in the person’s daily life, to help identify DPD.

How to tell if my child has Dependent Personality Disorder?

This test is not designed to diagnose dependent personality disorder in children.

Children with DPD may struggle to make decisions, express disagreement or assertiveness, have an excessive need for reassurance, and become overly attached to others.

Here are some signs and symptoms of DPD in children that you may observe:

  1. Your child may face difficulty making decisions or expressing their own opinions, choices, or preferences.
  2. Difficulty expressing disagreement or assertiveness.
  3. Inability to be alone for any period of time.
  4. Anxiety about being left alone or abandoned.
  5. Fear of separation from their primary caregiver.
  6. Difficulty initiating activities or taking on responsibilities.
  7. Excessive need for reassurance, praise or validation.
  8. Difficulty coping with changes or transitions.
  9. Difficulty forming friendships or maintaining relationships.
  10. Difficulty tolerating disappointment or frustration.

Children have developing personalities and it may be challenging to observe and make a proper diagnosis.

The above signs and symptoms might be caused by other mental or emotional conditions. Only a child psychologist or a child and adolescent psychiatrist can make a proper diagnosis of this disorder.


You may also like to take social anxiety test.

A dependent personality disorder is characterized by remaining dependent on other people including the need for protection for social, psychological, and physical well-being.

In childhood, a child will feel fear and unprotected without a mom and he remains dependent for many years. But after the good physical, emotional and social development, he will feel independent.

A child with abnormalities remains dependent on their parents for a long time so they are suffering from DPD. People with this disorder have difficulty making their own decisions and feel insecure without loved ones.

If you believe you can’t live without others and can’t handle day-to-day responsibilities, this test may be useful to see if you have symptoms of dependent personality disorder.

“In ourselves, the self we have people seeking help from others but every human being has the potential to enjoy the freedom of life so believe in what you have and do not worry about what you don’t have at the movement.”


  1. Dependent Personality Disorder DSM-5 301.6 (F60.7)
  2. The Health Line. Dependent personality disorder Symptoms. Accessed Jan 15, 2023.