Paranoid Personality Disorder Test

Screening test for paranoid personality disorder is typically a questionnaire that assesses an individual’s patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to determine whether they meet the diagnostic criteria for paranoid personality as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

For a diagnosis of Paranoid Personality Disorder, the following requirements must be met: a general distrust and suspicion of others, a tendency to view motivations as abusive, and a reluctance to confide in others.

This paranoid personality disorder test will examine your behavior to look for signs of the disorder. 

Screening tests can be helpful in detecting people who could have a particular condition, such as paranoid personality disorder, but they shouldn’t be counted on as the sole basis for making a diagnosis.

1. Do you often think that others are planning to harm you?

Question 1 of 10

2. Do you think people are jealous of your character and reputation?

Question 2 of 10

3. Do you handle criticism poorly?

Question 3 of 10

4. Do you think you are hypersensitive?

Question 4 of 10

5. Do you often think that your loved ones are untrustworthy?

Question 5 of 10

6. I cannot trust my close friends, family members and relatives.

Question 6 of 10

7. I take other people's remarks seriously and I think they indicate harm.

Question 7 of 10

8. I have difficulty relaxing.

Question 8 of 10

9. I feel angry and cannot forgive people who insult me.

Question 9 of 10

10. Do you feel you might become dependant if you do not take action immediately?

Question 10 of 10


What is paranoid personality disorder?

Paranoid personality disorder is a mental disorder that causes persistent distrust and suspicion of others, even in the absence of evidence; people with PPD have difficulty trusting others and often misinterpret others’ actions and intentions as malicious or deceptive.

This can cause problems in personal relationships and make it difficult for people with PPL to develop healthy relationships with others. They also tend to hold grudges and do not forgive easily. They may also have difficulty working in teams and trusting peers.

Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) is a severe mental health condition that can significantly affect one’s quality of life. However, proper treatment and support can help individuals with PPD manage their symptoms and improve their relationships with others.

How paranoid personality disorder is diagnosed?

Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) is typically diagnosed by a mental health expert like a psychiatrist or psychologist through a comprehensive evaluation.

The diagnosis is based on the criteria specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

The criteria for PPD are as follows

1. Persistent distrust or suspicion of others without justification

2. Doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends and associates.

3. Unreasonable suspicion of a spouse’s or sexual partner’s fidelity.

4. Unreasonable fear that information will be used against them, making them reluctant to trust others.

5. Perception of attacks on one’s character and reputation that others are unaware of.

6. Repeated unreasonable doubts about a spouse’s or sexual partner’s fidelity.

During the evaluation, the mental health professional will gather information about the individual’s symptoms, personal and family medical history, and any other relevant information that can help in making a diagnosis.

Paranoid personality disorder can coexist with other mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders and substance use disorders. Therefore, the specialist will also rule out other possible causes of the symptoms.

Does people with paranoid personality disorder lack trust

Yes, those who suffer from paranoid personality disorder (PPD) frequently retain suspicions about other individuals.

They could view intentions as malicious and be hesitant to reach out to people.

It can be challenging for relatives, friends, and even healthcare professionals to establish and sustain connections as a result of this mistrust and suspicion.

Disappointment and loneliness can result from harboring suspicion and mistrust of institutions and groups.

An individual’s social and occupational functioning may be significantly hampered by these symptoms, which can be pervasive and long-lasting.

Do people with paranoid personality disorder should be trusted?

Individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) often distrust others and doubt their motives, hindering others from trusting them.

It’s crucial to recognize that PPD is a mental health condition and sufferers should not be condemned or shamed due to their symptoms.

Despite their persistent suspicion and distrust, they can still form meaningful and satisfying relationships, but building trust in these relationships may be challenging.

Do people with paranoid personality disorder get better with time?

The severity and progression of Paranoid Personality Disorder can differ from person to person.

While some may experience improvement over time, it’s typically a chronic condition with persistent symptoms throughout life.

It’s essential to understand that those with PPD require compassion and support, not judgment. With the right treatment and support, they can learn to manage their symptoms and improve relationships with others.


Note that having negative thoughts about others does not necessarily mean that you have Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD). people suffering from this disorder should not be shamed or judged based on their symptoms.

If you have got high points it does not mean you have a paranoid personality disorder but you must consult a professional mental health counselor and discuss your symptoms.

Check out other personality disorder tests here.